Table of Contents #

Quick Start #

Installation #

Installing anna from releases #

Run this in the appropriate folder. Note that if you don't have a site dir with the pre-requisite layout template; anna proceeds to fetch the default site dir from our GitHub repository

curl -L > anna.tar.gz
tar -xvf anna.tar.gz # unzip the tar file
rm anna.tar.gz # removing the tar file

# here you could add anna to your path if you want and use in in any directory
./anna # runs anna. The instructions are given below

Brew taps for MacOS #

To get anna set up on your mac using brew taps, heres the repo you need to tap off from

brew tap anna-ssg/anna
brew install anna

# to run anna

Installing anna with go #

go run

Flags for usage and purpose #

  anna [flags]

  -a, --addr string   ip address to serve rendered content to (default "8000")
  -d, --draft         renders draft posts
  -h, --help          help for anna
  -l, --layout        validates html layouts
  -p, --prof          enable profiling
  -s, --serve         serve the rendered content
  -v, --version       prints current version number
  -w, --webconsole    wizard to setup anna